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We intend to bring an integration of efficiency & creativity in our services, using technology and digital mediums through our many brands and companies across various sectors.


Our vision is to provide opportunities of Entrepreneurship, Employment and Education to everyone in order create a strong empowered youth base, taking advantage of the technology & digital revolution in India.


When the youth become self-employed with the idea of solving problem that are faced by the society, we can truly work for the betterment of the nation in terms of  growth & development. Major issues of poverty, unemployment, education & empowerment faced by the people can be solved with entrepreneurs of 21st century and finding real time solutions with new ventures.

This century has seen a major leap forward in technological & digital fields. It has the ability to provide answers for all the difficult questions in terms of result-oriented implementation for our aspired progress & prosperity. Digital revolution and technological advancements have drastically changed the establishment and execution of new businesses. With the changing nature of demands for products & services, the road is wide open for new age young entrepreneurs to establish themselves. The further Growth & Development of India is dependent on new businesses which can create scope & opportunities for employment and prosperity.

With these ideals and a passion for creating brands, we, a few aspiring entrepreneurs have come together with YUVA to address different problems and issues faced by the society, creating technological & digital solutions with a blend of efficiency & creativity in our services.


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Pellentesque blandit nibh eget egestas molestie justo diam hendrerit tortor et sollicitudin dolor diam vitae orci. Sed et ultrices elit. Aliquam arcu purus lacinia sed diam quis ullamcorper venenatis sem.


Meet Our Team

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Ann Pena

Managing Director

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Ronald Chausse


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Michelle Perry

SEO Expert

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Loyd Copeland

Web Designer

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